Marián Liška, as a fifteen year-old, decided to connect his life to Modra and ceramics. In the year of 1979 he finished his education as a ceramist in the Slovak faience factory, where he remained working as a potter. In 1988 he was assigned the title "folk art master" only to become independent in 1991 and establish his own workshop - keramika Liška (Liška Ceramics).
During the studies, he found his way towards figural plastics, which, in time, became his main artistic fulfillment. Throughout over 30 years he created an immense amount of sculptures, reliefs and paintings and he exhibited in many European countries. His works are now owned by collectors primarily in the Czech Republic but also in the USA, Argentina, Canada.
Individual Exhibitions:
- 1992 – Graz, Rakúsko
- 1993 – Svätý Jur, Slovensko – rodné mesto
- 2001 – Pezinok, Slovensko
- 2002 – Svätý Jur, Slovensko
- 2005 – Kralupy nad Vltavou, Česká republika
- 2011 – Miloslavov, Slovensko
- 2011 – Modra, Slovensko
Joint Exhibitions – art shows:
- 1979 – Modra, Slovensko
- 1989 – Nitra, Slovensko
- 1994 – Modra, Slovensko
(zakladatelia Cechu slovenských keramikov) - 1995 – Myjava, Slovensko
- 1997 – Bratislava, Slovensko
- 1997 – Overijse, Belgicko
- 1998 – Vatikán, 100 betlehemov sveta
- 2003 – Martres–Tolosane, Francúzsko
- 2004 – Vatikán
- 2006 – Vatikán, 100 betlehemov sveta
- 2010 – Préveles–Tuffé, Francúzsko
- 2011 – Bratislava, Slovensko